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「编程艺术」C 和 C++ 读存 bin 文件方法


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  本文介绍一下 C 和 C++ 读取和保存 bin 文件的方法。

  bin 文件的存取在调试网络推理定位问题的时候可能会经常用到,如在这个框架里网络输出和预期对不上,经常需要把这个网络里的前处理输出、网络推理输出搬到另外的框架里走一遍,来确定是前处理有问题,还是网络推理有问题,还是后处理有问题。这里分享一下 C 语言和 C++ 读取和保存特征数据为 bin 文件的方法。其实大部分情况可以用 C++ 搞定,但如 darknet 这种纯 C 框架可能就需要用 C 实现。

1、C 读取和保存 bin 文件1.1 C 读取/// C 读取bin文件int getBinSize(char *path){ int size = 0; FILE *fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fp) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(fp); fclose(fp); } printf("\npath=%s,size=%d \n", path, size); return size;}void readBin(char *path, char *buf, int size){ FILE *infile; if ((infile = fopen(path, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("\nCan not open the path: %s \n", path); exit(-1); } fread(buf, sizeof(char), size, infile); fclose(infile);}1.2 C 保存/// C 保存bin文件void writeBin(char *path, char *buf, int size){ FILE *outfile; if ((outfile = fopen(path, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("\nCan not open the path: %s \n", path); exit(-1); } fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), size, outfile); fclose(outfile);}1.3 C 调用// read binFilechar filePath[] = "./demo.bin";int size = GetBinSize(filePath);char *buf = (char*)malloc(size);readBin(filePath, buf, size);float *fbuf = (float*)buf;// write binFilechar saveFilePath[] = "./demo_saved.bin"writeBin(saveFilePath, buf, size)free(buf)2、C++ 读取和保存 bin 文件2.1 C++ 读取/// C++ 读取bin文件void getBinSize(std::string path){ int size = 0; std::ifstream infile(path, std::ifstream::binary); infile.seekg(0, infile.end); int size= infile.tellg(); infile.seekg(0, infile.beg); infile.close(); printf("\npath=%s,size=%d \n", path, size); return size;}void readBin(std::string path, char *buf, int size){ std::ifstream infile(path, std::ifstream::binary);<char *>(buf), size); infile.close();}2.2 C++ 保存/// C++ 保存bin文件void writeBin(std::string path, char *buf, int size){ std::ofstream outfile(path, std::ifstream::binary); outfile.write((char *)(buf), size); outfile.close();}2.3 C++ 调用// read binFilestd::string filePath= "./demo.bin";int size = GetBinSize(filePath);char *buf= new char[size];readBin(filePath, buf, size);float *fbuf = reinterpret_cast<float *>(buf);// write binFilestd::string saveFilePath= "./demo_saved.bin";writeBin(saveFilePath, buf, size);delete buf;

  以上介绍了 C 语言和 C++ 读、存 bin 文件的方法,有需要的同学可以拿去使用。


《【编程艺术】C 和 C++ 读存 bin 文件方法》
