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我的工作涉及大量的Excel 操作,最初还是用公式计算,后来无意中接触了宏程序。其实一些简单的旧痕有用处了,一下是一个我常用的程序(鉴于机密问题,没有给出相关表格):希望能给做同类工作的人一点建议:

  Sub 创建表格()

  ' 创建表格 Macro

  ' 宏由 liq 录制,时间: 2005-4-1

  ' 快捷键: Ctrl+M


  Dim path1, file1, file2, string1 As String

  Dim mybook1, mybook2, mybook3 As Workbook

  Dim a, b, c, i As Integer

  Dim oilamount737, oilamount757, oilcost737, oilcost757, oliprice As Double

  Dim othervc737, othervc757, fc737, fc757, periodcost37, periodcost757 As Double

  Dim tonkm, passengerkm, flighthour737, flighthour757 As Double

  Dim tcost737, tcost757, tcost, othercost737, othercost757, othercost As Double

  Dim transcost, othertranscost As Double


  path1 = "D:\油价\"




  a = Range("b203").Value - 2000

  b = Range("c203").Value


  string1 = "计算的月份为" & 200 & a & "年" & b & "月"

  c = MsgBox(string1, vbOKCancel)

  If c <> 1 Then

   MsgBox ("请在表格最下方修改时间设置")

   Exit Sub

  End If

  Set mybook1 = ActiveWorkbook


  file1 = path1 & "加油情况05.xls"

  If FileExists(file1) Then

   Workbooks.Open Filename:=file1, UpdateLinks:=0

   Set mybook2 = ActiveWorkbook


   MsgBox ("加油情况05不存在")

   Exit Sub

  End If


  If b < 10 Then

   file2 = path1 & "新报表格式" & 0 & a & 0 & b & ".xls"


   file2 = path1 & "新报表格式" & 0 & a & b & ".xls"

  End If

  If FileExists(file2) Then

   Workbooks.Open Filename:=file2, UpdateLinks:=0

   Set mybook3 = ActiveWorkbook


   MsgBox ("该月的报表不存在")

   Exit Sub

  End If





  oilprice = Cells(3 + b, 7).Value

  If oilprice <= 0 Then

   MsgBox ("航油价格不能为0或小于0")

   Exit Sub

  End If


  'MsgBox (oilprice)




  oilcost737 = Cells(12, 3).Value + Cells(12, 4).Value + Cells(12, 5).Value

  'MsgBox (oilcost737)

  oilcost757 = Cells(12, 6).Value

  'MsgBox (oilcost757)

  oilamount737 = oilcost737 / oilprice

  oilamount757 = oilcost757 / oilprice



  othervc737 = Cells(41, 3).Value + Cells(41, 4).Value + Cells(41, 5).Value - oilcost737

  'MsgBox (othervc737)

  othervc757 = Cells(41, 6).Value - oilcost757

  'MsgBox (othervc757)

  fc757 = Cells(18, 6).Value

  fc737 = Cells(18, 7).Value - fc757

  'MsgBox (fc737)

  'MsgBox (fc757)

  periodcost737 = Cells(73, 3).Value + Cells(73, 4).Value + Cells(73, 5).Value

  periodcost737 = periodcost737 + Cells(84, 3).Value + Cells(84, 4).Value + Cells(84, 5).Value

  periodcost737 = periodcost737 + Cells(48, 3).Value + Cells(48, 4).Value + Cells(48, 5).Value

  periodcost737 = periodcost737 + Cells(26, 3).Value + Cells(26, 4).Value + Cells(26, 5).Value

  'MsgBox (periodcost737)

  periodcost757 = Cells(73, 6).Value + Cells(84, 6).Value + Cells(48, 6).Value

  periodcost757 = periodcost757 + Cells(26, 6).Value

  'MsgBox (periodcost757)

  tcost737 = oilcost737 + othervc737 + fc737 + periodcost737

  'MsgBox (tcost737)

  tcost757 = oilcost757 + othervc757 + fc757 + periodcost757

  'MsgBox (tcost757)

  tcost = tcost737 + tcost757

  'MsgBox (tcost)


  othercost737 = tcost737 - oilcost737

  othercost757 = tcost757 - oilcost757

  othercost = othercost737 + othercost757



  flighthour737 = Cells(13, 5).Value + Cells(13, 6).Value + Cells(13, 7).Value

  If flighthour737 <= 0 Then

   MsgBox ("737飞行小时不能为0或小于0")

   Exit Sub

  End If

  'MsgBox (flighthour737)

  flighthour757 = Cells(13, 8).Value

  If flighthour757 <= 0 Then

   MsgBox ("飞行小时不能为0或小于0")

   Exit Sub

  End If

  'MsgBox (flighthour757)

  tonkm = Cells(21, 9).Value * 10000

  If tonkm <= 0 Then

   MsgBox ("吨公里不能为0或小于0")

   Exit Sub

  End If

  'MsgBox (tonkm)

  passengerkm = Cells(22, 9).Value * 10000 / Cells(23, 9).Value * 100

  If passengerkm <= 0 Then

   MsgBox ("客公里不能为0或小于0")

   Exit Sub

  End If

  'MsgBox (passengerkm)



  transcost = Cells(5, 3).Value

  othertranscost = transcost - oilcost737 - oilcost757

  'MsgBox (transcost)





  For i = 2 To 202

   oilprice = Cells(i, 1).Value

   oilcost737 = oilamount737 * oilprice

   oilcost757 = oilamount757 * oilprice

   Cells(i, 2).Value = (oilcost737 + oilcost757) / (oilcost737 + oilcost757 + othercost)

   Cells(i, 3).Value = oilcost737 / flighthour737

   Cells(i, 4).Value = oilcost757 / flighthour757

   Cells(i, 5).Value = (oilcost737 + othervc737) / flighthour737

   Cells(i, 6).Value = (oilcost757 + othervc757) / flighthour757

   Cells(i, 7).Value = (oilcost737 + othercost737) / flighthour737

   Cells(i, 8).Value = (oilcost757 + othercost757) / flighthour757


   Cells(i, 9).Value = (oilcost737 + oilcost757) / tonkm * 100

   Cells(i, 10).Value = (oilcost737 + oilcost757 + othertranscost) / tonkm * 100

   Cells(i, 11).Value = (oilcost737 + oilcost757 + othervc737 + othervc757) / tonkm * 100

   Cells(i, 12).Value = (oilcost737 + oilcost757 + othercost) / tonkm * 100

   Cells(i, 13).Value = (oilcost737 + oilcost757 + othervc737 + othervc757) / passengerkm * 100

  Next i

  End Sub

  Private Function FileExists(fname) As Boolean

  ' Returns TRUE if the file exists

   Dim x As String

   x = Dir(fname)

   If x <> "" Then FileExists = True _

   Else FileExists = False

  End Function

  Private Function WorkbookIsOpen(wbname) As Boolean

  ' Returns TRUE if the workbook is open

   Dim x As Workbook

   On Error Resume Next

   Set x = Workbooks(wbname)

   If Err = 0 Then WorkbookIsOpen = True _

   Else WorkbookIsOpen = False

  End Function
